Thursday, May 7, 2009
Waiting Game!
Have just returned home after a run to Shasta County to apply for a Rental. The home is beautiful, on several acres nestled between Redding, Ca. and Mt. Lassen! I was gonna try to get to a meeting with some local Hams in the area, The Old Timers Group in Redding, but had to be at the property to meet with the Property Managemant. Am still hoping to get over and meet the gang, one of which is W3FF Budd, of Buddipole Antennas. I did get a chance to work the Buddistick at my relatives Ranch and made a few contacts on 20 Meters ( Contacts on post below). The band was poppin off pretty good! As I was Talking on the radio I noticed all the fish jumpin and feeding on my Brother-In-Laws Lake and had to grab the pole from the van and threw on a big ol' fly and nailed a decent bass and a big fat bluegill. Was a great evening with the family and I cant wait to hear if I will be moving soon into this place or if I will need to do some more footwork. We will know in a day or two. 73
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
K6LSN Mobile in Shasta County, Ca. (CN80un)
WX3B 01:09 59 +10 (20m),W8T 01:14 59 (20m), KB7SKS 01:40 59 (20m),Beautiful Evening! 73
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
10 Meters
Good to see the 10 and 6 meter bands are getting active, should make for a great summer! I will be in Shasta- Lassen counties for the next week and will be active as much as possible. 20-17-15-10 meters SSB. May try to make it to a local club meeting with Shasta County Amateurs if possible. 73
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Watch for Marcus on PSK31, he will be working from his Home QTH regularly.(CM88) He will be running for his WAS and WAC so help him out if ya see his call!
I have been following the journey of Joe Puryear and David Gottlieb as they Summit the many peaks in Nepal. Take some time and enjoy the blog they have done an incredible job with! Also, take some time and visit their links and Sponsors!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
K6P qrt
Well the Special Event went well, set-up went well and then I took a Ham-to-be buddy to Sonoma, Ca. for the VOMARC Hamfest and had breakfast and got to see a lot of good folks! After that I met my buddy KI6OCK Kevin and returned to the K6P Station to work 20 Meters for a couple of hours in the afternoon. Not a ton of qso's but I had a real good time using the Heil Headset and the Icom 706 radio running the 20 Meter Dipole. To see the station check the K6P Blog at We will post some photos in the next couple of days. The above Photo was taken by AB6JP Joe Parker, Note the box of tissues being used to wipe my tears coming from the extreme pressure of working the Massive Pile-Ups!!! hihi
73 John K6LSN
Sunday, April 19, 2009
KG6GHW Gets a new one!
Marcus kg6ghw and I spent a few hours out at the coast on Saturday. I worked some of the stations in the contests on 20 Meters and then we moved to 15 Meters and worked Pedro CX5BW in Uraguay, which is on the East of South America. Marcus did a good job helping Pedro get his call correct, My mouth is way bigger and louder, and it was a quick qso and a new one in the log for Marcus! Good job! Just another beautiful day. 73 Log for K6LSN
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Calm breeze...
Got to the Coast this afternoon and worked from the mobile in the sun overlooking the Bay. Some of the Pile-ups were thick and I had trouble climbing out and moving on, was fun though!
Log for K6LSN/M
IC-725 Barefoot, Buddistick Vertical.
Log for K6LSN/M
IC-725 Barefoot, Buddistick Vertical.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Bodega Head in the Mobile / CM88LH
Got out to bodega today and set up the mobile for a bit and had a chance to make a few contacts. I enjoyed talking to SMITTY, KD4AF in North Carolina who reminded me to slow down a little and enjoy a QSO and not be in such a hurry, Thanks Smitty, you were right, and I enjoyed talking with you. Was really windy but a beautiful day right on the ocean.
Contacts: PJ2/K2PLF, AD7JL, KD4AF Thanks Guys! QSL's are in the mail.73
Contacts: PJ2/K2PLF, AD7JL, KD4AF Thanks Guys! QSL's are in the mail.73
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
QSL from bx4al

CQ World Wide WPX Contest is this weekend! Gonna be awesome.
I got a qsl in the mail today from Tony Lai in Taiwan. I think the coolest thing about Ham Radio is you just never know where your signal is gonna get to, but its always a joy to speak to those who enjoy the same.
Monday, March 23, 2009
QSL in the mail.
I opened the mail box today and got a great qsl card from Javier Salazer TI5/KC2MXH who is in Costa Rica with family . I shot an email to Javier and he got back to me and let me know he has some videos on YouTube, just type in his home callsign KC2MXH, cool stuff!
I also want to mention a Blog that I follow that is incredible! Check it out if you get a chance. You can also find it on the right of my blog under Blogs I Follow. 73
I also want to mention a Blog that I follow that is incredible! Check it out if you get a chance. You can also find it on the right of my blog under Blogs I Follow. 73
Saturday, March 21, 2009
K6P Special Event Station Antenna Tests
I got together with a group of operators and enjoyed a great morning setting up the antennas we are going to be using for K6P. Spent a little time operating after set-up and things went well. I am really looking forward to working next to other operators and hope we can get some good runs in! I am also looking forward to promoting the hobby to any of those that stop by and show any interest, thats gonna be the fun part. I will need all your help, so when you hear us calling as K6P please return and give us a shout! For more info click the K6P logo on the right or visit
Thursday, March 19, 2009
2 Links I watch.
The first link is the Announced DXpeditions site from NG3K, If a homepage is available from the DXpedition the DX callsign will be blue, click on that to see info.
The second link is the WA7BNM Contest Calendar page and I always use this to keep track of upcoming contests. I always check the rules and exchange for the contest to be ahead of the game. 73
The second link is the WA7BNM Contest Calendar page and I always use this to keep track of upcoming contests. I always check the rules and exchange for the contest to be ahead of the game. 73
Saturday, March 14, 2009
QRP is a blast! Next is the 10-10 mobile 3/21

Worked QRP today and instead of it being difficult and intimidating it was exciting and rewarding. I was really hoping to work some of the folks in the Polar Bear Moonlight Madness Event today and I probably could have if I was more familiar with some of the callsigns, but I did work quite a few stations stateside and I felt more surprised than they did when I got 59 signal reports although I am very confident with the set-up I usually use and to run low power was not much different than my usual 50-75 watts I usually push. Also got to work 2 stations I really enjoyed talking to again. KC0ZSM Ray in Kansas and JO7CVU Ken in Japan. Great Day!
Looking forward to the 10-10 International Mobile Contest and I will be making plans for that soon!!. 73
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Marcus, KG6GHW and myself went up to Cloverdale, Ca. and had lunch with the Chicken Net Group who frequent the 145.1900 kd6lc Repeater on Mt. Jackson in Sonoma County, Ca. every night at 10 O'cluck! It was great to see all the folks and it was a beautiful day sitting outside in the sun and the crisp air. After lunch we drove north up Highway 175 over the Hopland Grade into Lake County, Ca. When we reached the summit we were blessed with an awesome view of Clear Lake and a mountain range covered in snow. We parked on an overlook and set up the HF rig and the Buddistick Vertical and worked some stations in the ARRL International DX Contest. What a treat to hear the 20 Meter band at that elevation, no QRN or urban static! Another thing I noticed was the tone of the contest was much more patient and courteous. I actually enjoyed working some of the pileups and could tell others were using skill and etiquette when needed. Thats GOODWILL at its finest on the air. Hope others enjoyed the same and got some good DX! 73 K6LSN (Ya , I blew it not taking the video camera, will get a chance tommorrow out at Bodega, Ca. for some more DX! in the mobile.)
Monday, March 2, 2009
Ham info Bar

I recently found this browser bar add-on and installed it on Firefox, its really great. Quick access to spotters and just a ton of ham related links and websites. Really well done, check it out!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Battleship New Jersey

Got a chance to have a quick QSO today with NJ2BB. The Amateur Radio Station aboard the Battleship. Great signal by-the-way! Thanks 73 Check out the Website here...
Thursday, February 19, 2009
K6LSN you are 5/9 qsl?
Nothing like eating a hot pastrami sandwich overlooking the Pacific Ocean and workin DX with my buddy KG6GHW. We had a great time and the weather was awesome after all the rain. A big thanks to K5D Desecheo 2009, W4LX Special Event Station, And WB7WNF Raleigh for the great day!
Monday, February 16, 2009

Looking forward to being part of the SPECIAL EVENT Station K6P
Apr 25, 1600Z-2300Z, Petaluma, CA. Sonoma County ACS and SMRS, K6P. Butter & Egg Day Parade, honoring Petaluma as egg capital of the world. 146.91 14.260 7.260 7.050. QSL. Matt Ilonummi, KE6LPO, PO Box 2922, Petaluma, CA 94953-2922.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Another fun day mobile!

Got in some time at Bodega Head, near Bodega Bay Ca. Icom IC-725-100 watts-Buddistick Vertical Antenna. Thanks to Dick KD0ACR in South Dakota for ending the day with a great qso/ragchew. Dick was one of my first HF contacts as a General and I was pleased to see his qsl card in the mail. At that time I was using my first HF rig, a Kenwood TS-520s that was a gift from a great guy KG6CSE.The Kenwood was purchased from The Northern California DX Foundations donated radios. Tom (kg6cse) hung a G5RV Lite in the attic of my apartment (still there too). I took the time to learn how to use that rig and it paid off every time I fired it up! Got to use Ham Radio Deluxe in the mobile for logging today on a Laptop that was given to me by another good Ham , Steve N6SCS. Thanks to Steve! 73 (log in reverse)kd0acr, w5aqa, wh6r, ac5o, k0ob, n9rpj, k9gaj, w0tle, n3dxx, n1fs, n0pi, n0hjz, n1gn, w0ef, k5rq, w2fcp, n0kk, w5cow, k1kd, w0os, k3mq, n2ic.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Good DX!

Spent the afternoon at the Bodega Head and had a great day working qrp stations and DX stations. If you visit the blog feel free to click on the comment and say hello. LOG for 2/01 nd0c, k0pir, ai9l, n3aln, co6lc, kc9dep/5 port., kh7hi, bx4al, ti5/kc2mxh. All contacts were made with 100 watts, IC-725, Buddistick Vertical on Mobile. 73 K6LSN
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Buddistick vs. Outbacker

Spent Friday at Bodega Head with Operators N6RXA and KF6SDY. We Enjoyed working several stations and comparing signal reports. Have to say the Buddistick won. Thanks again to Al and Rick for joining me. 73 (Stations worked, kh6qr-hawaii, w4ako-virginia, k1llr-new hampshire, jo7cvu- japan, )
Monday, January 19, 2009

The weekend was a blast! thnx for all the great DX! Worked from the mobile.Contesting was great for me on Saturday, Sunday was a mix of DX and Ragchew.If you scroll down you will see pics of the mobile at the same location. 73
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Bodega Head
Have been out to work from the Pacific Coastline several times and will be working for some time again tommorow. Got to run the Buddistick on an analyzer today and am looking forward to trying out the changes that I have made. Will be working at 28.480 SSB and 14.270 or so SSB 73 K6LSN
Monday, January 5, 2009
01/03- 01/04 MOBILE DX!
Worked from the mobile this weekend and enjoyed the time on the air. 20 Meters was good across the pacific and back to North Dakota. 73 K6LSN
Friday, December 12, 2008
Just wanted to post that I will be working the contest at some point and will do my best to find a location to work portable/mobile. The weather here is very cold and blustery with a possibility of snow showers so I may be shooting some video just to add to the adventure. Hope to here some of you, K6LSN 73
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Snow and Salmon!

A little too cold and a little too much snow for me to make it up to Mt. Lassen though I did get a chance to visit Coleman National Fish Hatchery on Battle Creek which runs to the Sacramento River. The hatchery was in full swing with thousands of Salmon in the holding ponds, creek, and fish ladder. Amazing! Oh, and when I woke up in the back of the van on Friday morning it was 37 Degrees F*. I enjoy camping out in the Fall......73
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
10-10-2008 Mt. Lassen!!!
I will be in Shasta and Lassen Counties for the next week and will be operating 10m -40m as often as possible. I will move to a Lookout on Mt. Lassen to work the 10-10 Contest, should be fun!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Well I worked fairly hard in the contest, was pretty challenging finding a clear freq. to call on. my total Qs from K6LSN/m was 37. thnx 73
Sunday, September 28, 2008
KG6GHW and K6LSN Mobile.....

Spent several hours with Marcus this morning on a peak overlooking Sonoma County and worked some of the stations on 20M in the Texas QSO Party. Icom IC-725(100 watts), Buddistick Vertical manually tuned for 20M. Simple set-up, works great. thnx 73
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Texas QSO Party

Made some contacts after some minor repairs on the Buddistick today. Will try to get some time on-the-air with KG6GHW tommorrow if we can find a good place to operate with some elevation and some shade! 73
Monday, September 22, 2008
Try again!
Visited W6HF and KL1WE at their home on Sat. and then on Sun. I set up at another friends home only to find I had a bad coax with no others on board so I will have to make up for the lack of HF contacts in the next few days. 73
Friday, September 19, 2008
Congratulations to KI6OCK! the General!
Will be celebrating Kevins upgrade tommorrow by working portable. Hope to catch N0TU on Mt. Herman in Co. and K7RFW on Antelope Island in Utah who are both fellow Buddipole users and operate Portable frequently. 14.270 ssb for n0tu and 14.340 ssb for k7rfw. Will be putting in some time to work some contest stations and hope to hear kevin get a bunch of new ones in the log. 73
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Bodega Bay K6LSN w/ KI6OCK

Worked 20M phone from the mobile near the ocean with the Buddistick, Icom, 50 watts. 7 All-Asian contest stations, kb2mfs-Tennessee QSO Party-and BX5AA (Jimmy Lou in Taiwan) also in the AA contest. Another great day near the coast. Kevin worked his new Sony 350 Cameara and got some really cool shots of the local wildlife, Ships, And plantlife. 73
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Mt. Tamalpais Portable
Members KG6GHW and K6LSN. Worked from 2 different locations. Very warm for this time of year though we managed to enjoy some contacts with Ohio, Japan, and others. All on 20M phone. 100 watts, IC-725 Radio, BUDDISTICK Vertical, MFJ Tuner, and Optima Yellow-top Battery. 73
Monday, September 1, 2008
8/30 Armstrong Woods/ McCrea Mtn. CM88
3 Members- K6LSN, KG6GHW, and KI6OCK. Portable setup went well, Sonoma Coast for lunch. Overall it was a great day. Notable Contact - W5P 20M 18:51 UTC Pelican Island Special Event Station , Eagle Mtn. Lake, Texas. 73
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